
Accessibility in Kalamata, Southern Greece

IMG_20160216_140504Mapping of accessible points in Kalamata city is taking place as part of “Accessible paths – A society aware of disabled people” project. Our goal is to add more and more points of interest that are fully accessible on our www.prosvasis.co platform and, in extension, create accessible destinations via using a geographic information system.

The Prosvasis team along with the InterMedi@KT team have completed the registration of accessible points in the coastal port city of Kalamata, Southern Greece . The people there welcomed us and they were really excited to learn more about how they can help their disabled fellow citizens. We all gathered there for the same goal: To augment the boundaries of accessibility!

Special thanks to:

  1. The Association of Disabled People of Kalamata.
  2. The local government
  3. The group  «Kalamata21″
  4. All local mass media of Kalamata
  5. and everyone who supported the effort and participated in mapping and information campaign for the diversity and about platform prosvasis.

The «Accessible Paths» project will continue to seek new destinations in order to share information about accessible points with all those who need it.

«Let’s all share our knowledge of accessible points of interest through the web and help the people who benefit from this info!»
