Kos is the third largest island of the Dodecanese complex, after Rhodes and Karpathos. Kos is in the Aegean Sea.
The ancient physician Hippocrates is thought to have been born on Kos, and in the center of the town is the Plane Tree of Hippocrates, a dream temple where the physician is traditionally supposed to have taught. The limbs of the now elderly tree are supported by scaffolding. The small city is also home to the International Hippocratic Institute and the Hippocratic Museum dedicated to him. Near the Institute are the ruins of Asklepieion, where Herodicus taught Hippocrates medicine.
Prosvasis & InterMedi@KT teams tried to locate and pin on the prosvasis.co map as many fully accessible points of interest (abbr. POI) as possible.
The Prosvasis team along with the InterMedi@KT team have completed the registration of accessible points in the coastal port city of Kos island. People there welcomed us and they were really excited to learn more about how they can help their disabled fellow citizens. We all gathered there for the same goal: To augment the boundaries of accessibility!
Each and everyone of us can register one new point every day by just roaming around the city, and help our fellow citizens with disabilities to join us and enjoy the city themselves, as well. Our www.prosvasis.co tool is an online platform for disabled people, where fully accessible points of interest are collected and pined on an electronic map, so that users can easily create their own fully accessible route.
More specifically, the accessible points of interest pined on Prosvasis are:
- Restaurants / Cafes
- Hotels with fully accessible rooms
- Civilization Points (e.g. Museums)
- Disabled parking spaces
- Pedestrian walkways (e.g. Accessible beach promenade)
- Cinema / theatre
- Accessible seas, via SEATRAC system
- Schools for children with physical disabilities
- Special schools
Special thanks to Mr Vasilis Hadoulis – President of municipal community of Kos and All local mass media of Kos. It was such a beautiful experience visiting Kos island and mapping island’s accessible POIs, in order to provide a variety of options to the disabled people all over the world.
We’re encouraging you to suggest as many as the above-mentioned points of interest, pin these POIs on our platform, learn more about Prosvasis project, and spread the news about our action. We should all start looking differently at the places we’re visiting and feel sympathy for our disabled fellow citizens all over the world.
The trip continues alongside the need for this kind of information…
With Stavros Niarhos Foundation support.