
Our vision

“It’s up to us to make the world better , you have the bruches and the paints, draw your own paradise and get in”



Our vision, is Prosvasis project to be the first step to a fully accessible world beyond Greekborders, in order to provide disabled people with all available fully accessible points of interest.

“We work for the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in an inclusive and sustainable world that embraces humanity in all its diversity.”

We will try to provide more than our knowledge base and our human resources to this cause, because we want to invest to a future fair for all. We truly believe that this is an effort that everyone will acknowledge and support.

There is no final «destination» to our journey. We will continue moving as the needs of our users move nee places and paths will be created and all the available accessible points will be updated until we live in a fully accessible planet.

Our philosophy is to enable fellow citizens to assist an entire social group with just a few clicks. We see the glass ashalf-full and, instead of focusing on the obstacles and lack of accessibility, we try to pay attention on the possibilities for improvement. In our activities, everybodyis invited to participate; people with and without disabilities, young and old, students and teachers, all are welcome. To our grand pleasure, up until now, prosvasis’ philosophy has enjoyed massive appraise.

By identifying what is working or not, our team tried to contribute to the solution of the problem, by persuading entire communities to attemptto change the system of accessibility. Prosvasis.co is a tool we created to engage more and more people to use the internet, to share their knowledge for and about accessibility.

It does not matter if people do it alone or in groups. The aim is to motivate all people around the world. With the faith and optimism of the change-makers, we aim to transform the mentality of modern society. We want to involve everyone in a process of “putting themselves in the shoes” of those people who face obstacles in their movement. Constructing “paths of the future”, is a time-consuming process which requires patience, perseverance and tenacity and most of all, holistic participation.